Tangled Ever After is a 2012 American computer animated short film directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard. It is a sequel to the 2010 Walt Disney Animation Studios film Tangled. It premiered in theaters on January 13, 2012, before the 3D theatrical re-release of Beauty and the Beast and on Disney Channel followed by the premiere of The Princess and the Frog on March 23, 2012. The short was later, in Fall 2012, included as a bonus feature on the Diamond Edition of Cinderella, and was also released three years later, on the Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection Blu-ray on August 18, 2015. The short is also available as a stand-alone download on iTunes. The story of the short picks up an unspecified amount of time after the events of Tangled; the events of this period of time are explored in the television film Tangled: Before Ever After and Tangled: The Series. The Kingdom is in a festive mood, preparing for the royal wedding of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert. However, chameleon Pascal and horse Maximus lose the gold bands, triggering a frenzied search to retrieve them.
Greno and Howard started the film after popular demand. Among the film's voice actors are Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi and Matt Nolan.
On Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert's wedding day, Pascal and Maximus (the ring bearers) accidentally lose the wedding rings at the start of the ceremony. Eventually, they retrieve the rings in time for the end of the wedding ceremony, but along the way, cause immense collateral damage and get themselves dirty (after landing in a tar factory). The happy couple finally get married, only for Pascal and Maximus to accidentally lose the wedding cake.
- Mandy Moore as Rapunzel
- Zachary Levi as Eugene "Flynn Rider" Fitzherbert
- Alan Dale as Priest
- Paul F. Tompkins as Short Thug
- Kari Wahlgren as the Queen of Corona, Rapunzel's mother
- Mark Allan Stewart as Dove Caller
- Byron Howard as Lantern Wrangler / Chef (voice)
- Nathan Greno as Maximus / Guard / Stabbington Brothers
- Frank Welker as Pascal
- Matt Nolan as Frying Pan Caller
Home media
Tangled Ever After was first released on Cinderella: Diamond Edition on October 2, 2012. It was also later released on the Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Films Collection Blu-ray on August 18, 2015.
External links
- Tangled Ever After on IMDb
- Tangled Ever After at Rotten Tomatoes