Moshi Monsters: The Movie is a British-Irish animated musical comedy film directed by Wip Vernooji and Morgan Francis and based on the virtual world of Moshi Monsters. The film stars Katsuma, Poppet, Diavlo, Luvli, Furi, Zommer, Dr. Strangeglove, Sweet Tooth, Bobbi Singsong, Mr and Mrs Snoodle, Buster Bumplechops, and more monsters along with a load of Moshlings. The film was released to UK and Irish Theaters in 20 December 2013.
The film was later released to China and Korea cinemas on the 1 February 2018.
Plot summary
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Buster Bumblechops, along with his search team, obtain the Moshling egg. Buster breaks his leg. Meanwhile, Poppet, Katsuma and Mr. Snoodle are at home. Katsuma starts talking about starring in Roary Scrawl's movie. The trio go into town to meet him. Monstro City is shown, and a strange-looking Flumpy escapes with Fifi through the sewers. Poppet, Katsuma and Mr. Snoodle enter the diner. Roary Scrawl introduces them to Furi, Luvli and Diavlo. He says he wants them all to star in his movie, which angers fame-hungry Katsuma. The news reports the missing Moshling epidemic, and says that arch-criminals Dr. Strangeglove and Sweet Tooth are still on the loose. The news cuts to Buster talking about the egg, which is now on display at his museum. Poppet suggests the egg as an addition to the movie, so they go to visit Buster. Dr. Strangeglove is seen spying in the sewers with the strange Flumpy, who turns out to be his Glump Fishlips. Fifi is being put in the Glumping machine. Dr. Strangeglove and Fishlips steal the egg. The monsters arrive at the museum. Buster wants to show them the egg only to find it's not there. In its place is a holographic kit left by Dr. Strangeglove, ordering them to find three items - fried Oobla Doobla, a Blue Jeeper's tear, and Rainbow Rox, which together will make the component to hatch the egg. The monsters set out to find the items and save everyone.
UK Voices
- Emma Tate as Katsuma, Luvli
- Phillipa Alexander as Poppet
- Ashley Slater as Dr. Strangeglove and Zommer
- Boris Hiestand as Fishlips and Newsreader
- Tom Clarke Hill as Furi and Roary
- Keith Wickham as Buster Bumblechops and Diavlo
- Rajesh David as Bobbi SingSong
- Steve Cleverley as Sweet Tooth
- Abigail Clarakean as Strawberry Blondie
Korean Voices
- Jeon Tae-Yeol as Katsuma
- So-Young Hong as Poppet
- Hwan Chin Kim as Diavlo
- Ham Soo-Jeong as Luvli
- In-guk Seo as Zommer
- Kang Dong Ho as Furi
- Young Sam On as Dr. Strangeglove
- Sang-Hyun Yoon as Sweet Tooth
- Mi Ja Lee as Mr. Snoodle
- Won Ju as Glumps
- Goo Ja-Hyeong as Roary
- Kim Il as Bobbi SingSong
- Sin Yong-woo as Fishlips
- Jeong-ho Choi as Newsreader
- Won-jang Lee as Buster Bumblechops
DVD release
Moshi Monsters: The Movie was released on DVD on Monday 14 April 2014 in the UK. It comes with either a Jackson or Mrs Snoodle trading card and a Mrs Snoodle code for online and the Moshi Village app.
The film received mixed reviews from critics. Based on 9 reviews, the film has a 67% rating on aggregator Rotten Tomatoes with an average rating of 5.1/10. Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian claimed that "fans of the online game Moshi Monsters may find the film version an incredibly annoying and baffling bore." English critic Mark Kermode gave the film 1 star, believing it may entertain very young children, but "will leave adults bored, stupefied, revolted and appalled". Despite the disparate reception from critics, the film has been disliked by audiences, garnering a 3.2 rating on IMDb.
External links
- Official website
- Moshi Monsters: The Movie on IMDb